Monday, November 12, 2012

Genital Herpes Information

What most refer to as herpes is actually family of socially transmitted diseases caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1 cold sores) and type 2 (HSV-2 genital herpes). Other types of the virus are commonly known as shingles and the Epstein-Barr virus. Most people who carry the virus have no or only minimal signs of an infection. Because of this, many people are unaware that they have the virus. Telling signs of an infection include one or more blisters on the face or genitals that break and leave small ulcers that may take 2 to 4 weeks to heal initially. The blisters recur periodically over time, typically about 5 times per year. The frequency of outbreaks usually reduces over time.

For most healthy people it is harmless. Rare severe cases of HSV-1 on the head or face may lead to serious conditions. Extra precautions for pregnant women at the time of delivery are needed to prevent genital herpes transmission to the baby which can sometimes be fatal to infants.
The disease is very common. In the US about 20% of adults are have the infection. Because the symptoms can often be mild, most people do not know they have the disease or mistake it for other causes like insect bites. About 1 million new cases are reported every year. Millions more likely go unreported.

Herpes viruses are spread through physical contact with the affected area of the skin, most usually during an outbreak when sores are present. Sometimes the virus can spread through physical contact with the infected area even when sores are present and there is no break in the skin. You must take precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. For genital herpes, male condoms offer good protection, only if the infected area on the male is covered or contact with the infected area on the female is prevented. Female condoms may offer better protection as they cover a larger area. Protection is lost if a condom slips or breaks and contact is made with the infected.
It is possible to spread herpes to other parts of the body. Herpes infections can occur in many places: eyes, ears, mouth, rectum, back of the hands, and others. Always wash your hands immediately after touching an infected area.
One or more blisters that eventually pop, become sores, then heal back up.
Other than extra precautions in the bedroom, your life can continue normally. With the right diet and treatment plan, herpes will be a very minor inconvenience in your life. You may wish to date other people with HSV to avoid the awkwardness of that conversation when your relationship becomes sexual.
Most of the time normal vaginal delivery is possible. However, risk of transmission to the baby is highest if you contracted the disease during pregnancy. In most other circumstances, suppressive viral drugs are used to prevent outbreaks during birth and normal vaginal delivery is performed. In case of an outbreak during pregnancy, a cesarean delivery is performed to prevent transmission to the baby. Always inform your doctor if you have herpes so that he or she will be prepared at the time of delivery.

There is no recognized cure by the medical establishment. There are some highly effective treatments like Dynamiclear. Most are only able to suppress the outbreaks but not cure the disease. However, in recent years one study of herbal treatments documents that it was able to cure are  HSV-Zero. This may work for many people.

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