Thursday, February 9, 2012

Primary Symptom of Syphilis

Syphilis is a frequently diagnosed sexually transmitted disease.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted, infectious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum . This bacterium causes infection when it gets into broken skin or mucus membranes, usually of the genitals. Syphilis is most often transmitted through sexual contact, although it also can be transmitted in other ways.

Syphilis occurs worldwide. Syphilis is more common in urban areas, and the number of cases is rising fastest in men who have sex with men. Young adults ages 15 - 25 are the highest-risk population. People have no natural resistance to syphilis.
Because people may be unaware that they are infected with syphilis, many states require tests for syphilis before marriage. All pregnant women who receive prenatal care should be screened for syphilis to prevent the infection from passing to their newborn (congenital syphilis).
Syphilis has three stages:
# Primary syphilis
# Secondary syphilis
# Tertiary syphilis (the late phase of the illness)

Secondary syphilis, tertiary syphilis, and congenital syphilis are not seen as often in the United States as they were in the past because of the availability of:
# Free, government-sponsored sexually transmitted disease clinics
# Screening tests for syphilis
# Public education about STDs
# Prenatal screening

Primary syphilis symptoms include:
# Chancre -- a small, painless open sore or ulcer on the genitals, mouth, skin, or rectum that heals by itself in 3 - 6 weeks
# Enlarged lymph nodes in the area containing the chancre
The bacteria continue to multiply in the body, but there are few symptoms until the second stage.

Secondary syphilis symptoms include:
# A skin rash (the most common symptom), which often involves the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Sores called mucous patches may develop in or around the mouth, vagina, or penis.
# Moist, warty patches may develop in the genitals or skin folds. These are called condylomata lata.
# Other symptoms, such as fever, general ill feeling, loss of appetite, muscle aches, joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes, vision changes, and hair loss may occur.

Symptoms of tertiary syphilis depend on which organs have been affected. They vary widely and are difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of tertiary syphilis include:
# Cardiovascular syphilis, which affects the aorta of the heart and causes aneurysms or valve disease
# Central nervous system disorders (neurosyphilis)
# Tumors of skin, bones, or liver (gumma)

If you are sexually active, practice safe sex and always use a condom.
All pregnant women should be screened for syphilis.
Symptom Of Syphilis

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